Tuesday 19 July 2016

Victims of One chance robbery confessed

JoizJune 17, 2016 at 12:51 PM
I was robbed by same gang last year when I boarded a bus to ojuelegba from AP(opp Empire) bustop. Same guy withdrew from me. Bank gave me his picture but nothing was done by Police. They operate everyday @ different location. I pray they be caught.                              
Anonymous.  June 17, 2016 at 12:58 PM.                                             
I'm a big fan of your blog and consequently read your updates even though i most times do not comment.
I'm writing you to please use your blog to circulate what I'm about to write for the men who did this to me to be brought to book.
Yesterday, 28th of July 2015, i was to go to work and then left the house around 5:30am in-order to beat traffic. I stay inn Surulere, Akinhanmi area(which is opposite Empire area close to Jibowu). I boarded a bus going to Ojuelegba CMS at about 5:35am at the ForteOil/AP junction opposite Empire. I was to drop at Ojuelegba so i could take a bus going to Ketu from there. 
Immediately i entered the bus, i realized they were all men and became a little bit uncomfortable but i was consoling myself that i would soon alight at Ojuelegba. well, they closed the door and one pretended to want to alight at the GT bank area which is just before Ojuelegba. Immediately i adjusted for him to pass, he sat down beside me and the man behind me grabbed my neck and squeezed it firmly. At that point others grabbed my handbag, my laptop bag and the nylon bag i carried and started removing all contents.I counted them all and found out they were a gang of men with Driver inclusive.
My Phones(Samsung S5, BB Q5 and a Nokia 105) were taken, password for the phones were demanded for and i had to give them. By this time, One of time was already pulling down the zip of my gown while the man beside me was trying to get under my gown and stuff like that. 
I pleaded with them not to rape me but to take what they want. They took my Office laptop and charger and even my Mobile Wifi. then they took my ATM cards and demanded for my pin. When i was a bit reluctant to give them, they push me to the ground of the moving vehicle while they held my neck tighter and the other was trying to unhook my bra. All this while, the bus was moving in top speed to God knows where.
I gave them my ATM pin and soon after, two men out of the eight men dropped while i was still in the bus and the bus kept moving. when i tried to look up, and analyse where we were, i knew we were in Obalende from what i gathered about the surroundings but the bus didn't stop. I heard them call one of them 'officer' and he was giving them direction on how to bypass the checkpoints. 
After a while of moving around, one of them got a call, and said the pin is correct and after then they told me to stand up and sit on the chair which i did. They soon pushed me out of the bus and threw my almost empty bag to me. When i turned to get the plate number of the Bus(danfo yellow and black bus)i only got SMK-831. The last two alphabets were blurry and the bus zoomed off almost immediately i was pushed.
when i became aware of where i was which was already few minutes past six, i knew i was in stadium bus-stop. I saw two policemen at the Stadium traffic light checkpoint and reported the case but they just looked at me and said sorry but there's nothing they can do.
One passerby immediately gave me his phone and i called my sister to tell her what happened and to block my account but which was done.
When i could access my account details, i realized the money was withdrawn while i was still in the bus and total money withdrawn from my accounts is N266,500.00 through the ATM3 of Zenith Bank Alaka Estate Surulere. 
I have since reported to the Ojuelegba Police station but they kept saying there's little or nothing they can do but would call me if they get any information.
Attached is the picture of one of the gang who withdrew the money from my Accounts.
Please, all i was is JUSTICE. let the word be spread so these men don't continue to harm others.
Would appreciate if my identity is not disclosed for security . Please keep me ANONYMOUS.
 Anonymous. June 17, 2016 at 10:56 PM
I had same experience at fadeyi on the 19th of Jan 2015. They beat me like crazy cos I kept screaming. Well I try to be vigilant when boarding a bus but that day i lost my guard when I saw one of the officers of the law(expect it was a disguise) sitting in front. Same tactics."driver my change o I will stop at onipanu," was what one of them kept saying. when he tried to get down the other one pulled me in and collected everything I had. Thank God for life oo.                                Anonymous. June 17, 2016 at 11:32 AM
This man look like a member of the gang that attacked and robbed me and my husband this year. They also withdrew all the money in his account before releasing us.                                                                                     These are experiences shared by victims of one chance in lagos.

Melanie Trump Speech is believed to be a copy of Michelle Obama's speech

(CNN)The Donald Trump campaign denied on Tuesday allegations that Melania Trump plagiarized a Michelle Obama speech on the first night of the Republican National Convention, calling the accusation "just really absurd."

"To think that she would do something like that knowing how scrutinized her speech was going to be last night is just really absurd," Trump's campaign chairman Paul Manafort told CNN's Chris Cuomo on "New Day."

At least one passage in Trump's speech Monday night plagiarized from Obama's address to the Democratic National Convention in 2008.
Side-by-side comparisons of the transcripts show the text in Trump's address following, nearly to the word, the first lady's own from the first night of the Democratic convention in Denver nearly eight years ago.
But Manafort said the words Melania used were not "cribbed" but are common words.
"There's no cribbing of Michelle Obama's speech. These were common words and values. She cares about her family," Manafort said. "To think that she'd be cribbing Michelle Obama's words is crazy."
Manafort said attacks on Trump's speech are due to Hillary Clinton being "threatened" by Trump.
"This is once again an example of when a woman threatens Hillary Clinton, she seeks out to demean her and take her down. It's not going to work," he said.The controversy quickly overshadowed the speech, which was to have been her introduction to voters. It focused on her immigration to the US and her love for her husband.A Republican operative familiar with how the campaign was handling the speeches said a number of senior aides had a role, edited Melania's speech, suggested changes and provided guidance. Manafort told CNN's Phil Mattingly earlier on Tuesday that he wasn't involved in drafting the speech and served solely in a sign-off role.
10 times politicians have plagiarized
The Trump campaign released a statement on the speech after the similarities were uncovered, but the statement did not mention the plagiarism charge.
"In writing her beautiful speech, Melania's team of writers took notes on her life's inspirations, and in some instances included fragments that reflected her own thinking. Melania's immigrant experience and love for America shone through in her speech, which made it such a success," according to Jason Miller, the senior communications adviser.Earlier in the day, Melania Trump told NBC's Matt Lauer: "I read once over it, that's all, because I wrote it ... with (as) little help as possible."Here is Trump, on Monday:
"From a young age, my parents impressed on me the values that you work hard for what you want in life, that your word is your bond and you do what you say and keep your promise, that you treat people with respect. They taught and showed me values and morals in their daily lives. That is a lesson that I continue to pass along to our son," Trump said.
And we need to pass those lessons on to the many generations to follow. Because we want our children in this nation to know that the only limit to your achievements is the strength of your dreams and your willingness to work for them."
And here is Obama, on August 25, 2008:
"And Barack and I were raised with so many of the same values: that you work hard for what you want in life; that your word is your bond and you do what you say you're going to do; that you treat people with dignity and respect, even if you don't know them, and even if you don't agree with them.
And Barack and I set out to build lives guided by these values, and to pass them on to the next generation. Because we want our children -- and all children in this nation -- to know that the only limit to the height of your achievements is the reach of your dreams and your willingness to work for them."
The reaction:
"(To be honest), I was more offended by just about every other speech than Melania's plagiarized paragraphs," former Obama speechwriter Jon Favreau jokingly tweeted as the accusations went viral hours after Trump's address.Jarrett Hill seems to have been one of the first to notice the similarities on Twitter.He's a big fan of the Obamas, and told CNN over the phone that one particular line from Michelle Obama's 2008 speech really spoke to him: "To know that the only limit to the height of your achievements is the reach of your dreams and your willingness to work for them."
When he heard Melania Trump start saying "the only limit to your achievements," he new something was wrong.
Hill said he then Googled Michelle Obama's speech and saw the similar lines.
"It was kind of a total recall moment," he said.
After he posted the comparison on Twitter, his tweet garnered 16,000 retweets."Um. This is becoming a thing," he later tweeted.
Never gonna let you down?
In an even stranger twist, some on social media posited that Trump surreptitiously Rickrolled everyone in the middle of her speech.
"He will never give up," she said of her husband. "And most importantly, he will never, ever let you down."
The chorus of the 80s classic sounds very similar: "Never gonna give you up/ Never gonna let you down/ Never gonna run around and desert you."
A bit of background -- Rickrolling is where you get someone to unwittingly click on a link to the video of the Rick Astley song "Never Gonna Give You Up."
So, for example, if someone were to tell you to click here, saying it's another article about Melania Trump, and you click, you have been Rickrolled.

Sunday 17 July 2016

Dakovahotspot: Dakovahotspot: Help Help Help!!! this Nigerian act...

Dakovahotspot: Dakovahotspot: Help Help Help!!! this Nigerian act...: Dakovahotspot: Help Help Help!!! this Nigerian actor is in need o... : The Abia state born actor had thought the ailment is something he cou...

Dakovahotspot: A Ghanaian Doctor Performs surgery on the roadside...

Dakovahotspot: A Ghanaian Doctor Performs surgery on the roadside...: Ghanaian doctor in Australia saves accident victim with roadside surgery A Ghanaian doctor based in Perth, Australia, Dr. Kwasi Yeboah, mad...

A Ghanaian Doctor Performs surgery on the roadside

Ghanaian doctor in Australia saves accident victim with roadside surgery
A Ghanaian doctor based in Perth, Australia, Dr. Kwasi Yeboah, made headlines after he performed roadside surgery without anaesthesia on a man involved in a road accident.
The accident victim was returning to Perth when the accident took place and was critically injured with multiple broken bones and a punctured lung.
Dr. Kwasi Yeboah, a registrar at the Royal Perth Hospital, happened upon the accident after missing his turn in search of mangoes at a mango farm and having come across the victim, he believed the only decision was to operate him right there if there was any chance of him surviving.Dr. Yeboah narrated the incident: 
“I was going to find mangoes to buy on a mango farm and I think I missed my turning or I couldn’t find the sign so I kept driving north… It was chaotic and hard to describe as there were cars driving past and people pulling up as well and at a distance running across the road, I didn’t think he will make it. At that time the assessment was that he had a tension pneumothorax which is a life threatening condition and could be fatal. He was deteriorating before our eyes, his blood pressure was going down, his heart rate was rising, his oxygen level was dropping, and I thought he was going to die. Anything you do for a patient is a calculated risk and at that time it was a calculated risk that had to be made within seconds. He was going to have a cardiac arrest so I said to him, mate I am going to do something which is going to hurt, but it will save your life, then he put his hand on my knee and said go for it.When he was ready for transfer back into the helicopter, he deteriorated again so he kept saying doc doc doc you’ve got to do something so I run back, and they took him out of the ambulance unto the road and then I had to open up his chest ".                                           The victim after four months is still in a wheelchair and is expected to walk again. - 
- See more at: http://citifmonline.com/2016/07/17/ghanaian-doctor-in-australia-saves-accident-victim-with-roadside-surgery/#sthash.PwIYtGX8.dpuf

Dakovahotspot: Help Help Help!!! this Nigerian actor is in need o...

Dakovahotspot: Help Help Help!!! this Nigerian actor is in need o...: The Abia state born actor had thought the ailment is something he could handle on his own .He was alleged to have been going on dialysis w...

A Pakistan Model killed by her Brother

Ms Baloch, 26, recently caused controversy by posting controversial pictures of herself on social media, including one alongside a Muslim cleric.
Police say she was strangled to death.
Cases of women being killed for 'dishonouring' their family are commonplace in Pakistan.
Qandeel Baloch became a household name for posting bold, sometimes raunchy, photographs, video and comments.
How her murder reflects a divided country
Ms Baloch's parents told The Express Tribune that she was strangled to death on Friday night following an argument with her brother.
They said her body was not discovered until Saturday morning. Her parents have been taken into custody, the Tribune reported.
Ms Baloch had gone to Punjab from Karachi because of the threat to her security, police say.Ms Baloch was admired by liberals but reviled by conservatives
Image caption
Ms Baloch appeared alongside a Muslim cleric in images uploaded onto social media
Image caption
In a recent interview she was bitterly critical of Pakistan's patriarchal society
"[Her] brothers had asked her to quit modelling," family sources quoted by the Tribune said.
Sources quoted by the newspaper said that Wasim was upset about her uploading controversial pictures online and had threatened her about it.
Police said he had not been arrested and was on the run.
'No woman is safe'
Ms Baloch's murder was condemned by filmmaker Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy, whose documentary A Girl in the River: The Price of Forgiveness won an Oscar earlier this year.
"I really feel that no woman is safe in this country, until we start making examples of people, until we start sending men who kill women to jail, unless we literally say there will be no more killing and those who dare will spend the rest of their lives behind bars," she told the AFP news agency.
Why some say death is 'good news', by BBC World Service South Asia editor Jill McGivering
Qandeel Baloch used social media to find fame and the reactions there showed the feelings she inspired, from admiration to disgust.
Some called her death "good news" and even praised her suspected killer. Others said it was wrong to condone her murder, even if she was flawed. Some showed outright support.
Qandeel Baloch has been dubbed Pakistan's Kim Kardashian. There are comparisons: the provocative selfies, the pursuit of celebrity, the controversial rise to notoriety.
But in Pakistan, women, especially poor ones, still lack basic rights, from schooling to choosing a husband and violence against them is rife. The country struggles with sexuality and especially with "immodest" women.
The fact that many of Qandeel's videos went viral suggests a titillating fascination with confident female sexuality - along with fear of its power and of her assertion of independence. However she lived her life, tweeted one, it was her life.
Ms Baloch rose to fame in Pakistan in 2014 when a video of her pouting at the camera and asking "How em looking?" went viral.
In a recent interview she was bitterly critical of Pakistan's patriarchal society and described herself as a leading exponent of girl power.
While many younger people saw her as a cultural icon and hailed her liberal views, she was also subjected to frequent misogynist abuse online.
Her request for better security was ignored by the government, Dawn reported, despite pleas made three weeks ago to the interior minister and other senior officials.
Hundreds of women are murdered every year in Pakistan in so-called honour killing  cases

Help Help Help!!! this Nigerian actor is in need of help

The Abia state born actor had thought the ailment is something he could handle on his own .He was alleged to have been going on dialysis weekly which has caused him a fortune.
Now his finances can no longer meet up with the urgency his health now demands as he is expected as a matter of urgency to raise N10 million for a kidney transplant abroad.
The actor, who is now a total shadow of himself, seeks to the assistance of well-meaning Nigerians to save him from untimely death.
Meanwhile, ailing Nollywood actor, Prince James Uche needs N11 million to undergo kidney transplant abroad. Uche is currently on admission in a Lagos hospital.
The National President of Filmmakers Welfare Organisation of Nigeria  Mr Sunday Awoji has been on Uche’s case campaigning for financial help to get him treatment in India.
Ace music producer, OJB Jezreel was lost to kidney related ailment on June 14, 2016 after he had undergone a kidney transplant in India in 2013.

Thursday 14 July 2016

Britain's New Prime Minister

Prime Minister Theresa May has unveiled a nearly completely new look cabinet, in a major departure from predecessor David Cameron's top team.
George Osborne, Michael Gove, John Whittingdale, Nicky Morgan and Oliver Letwin have all been sacked by Mrs May.
Liz Truss is justice secretary, Justine Greening takes education and Tory leadership contender Andrea Leadsom has been promoted to environment secretary.
Boris Johnson became foreign secretary. Philip Hammond was made chancellor.
Eurosceptic David Davis, meanwhile, will take charge of negotiating Britain's exit from the European Union, in a newly created post of Brexit secretary.

Tuesday 12 July 2016

Dakovahotspot: linda ikeji was once inlove with me~Dan Foster

Dakovahotspot: linda ikeji was once inlove with me~Dan Foster: Celebrity blogger Linda Ikeji may be married to her lucrative occupation now but there was a time when the beautiful spinster – a former mod...

linda ikeji was once inlove with me~Dan Foster

Celebrity blogger Linda Ikeji may be married to her lucrative occupation now but there was a time when the beautiful spinster – a former model – was madly in love with a man; an older man who didn’t even take her seriously. That man was Dan Foster a Black American radio personality who lives and works in Nigeria.
Dan Foster: I took Linda for granted In an interview with PUNCH the popular DJ has revealed how Linda in her modeling days – was crazy about him but then he was a cassanova dating two other women all at once.
“She was in love with me. But it didn’t work out”, Foster now married with children tells the newspaper. “I took her for granted and I was dating another person while I was dating her. I tried to keep a relationship in Abuja, another in Warri while she (Linda Ikeji) was in Lagos. Ah it was a nightmare.”
Why did you marry a Nigerian?
My father told me that my ex had moved on. In fact, he told me then that she looked heavy. I asked what he meant and I was told she was pregnant. I knew she had really moved on. But then, I didn’t marry again till almost four or five years later. I was taking my time after that. It wasn’t something I wanted to jump into. But then, I did have so many options.

We knew you had options including Linda Ikeji…

Oh yeah! I remember Linda asking me what she did wrong. She went on and on. My wife always tries to delete her number no matter how I tag it on my phone. She would always figure the number out and she would find out what I use to code it. My wife is so strong and she is the right woman. I love her because she didn’t know who I was when I met her at the theatre. She still didn’t know who I was for almost two weeks after. We just had a great conversation. My sister kept asking me how I would find somebody that would love me for who I am. I put my wife to that test. She didn’t know me. It was two weeks later that people in her office asked her if she knew who her boyfriend was and they told her. She told them she didn’t know and she hadn’t even heard me on radio.

But Linda is doing well now; don’t you feel you should have married her?

She is a nice kid. I hope she is able to find someone but she has to find the right person. She is really into what she is doing. She is an honest kid. I thought I wasn’t good enough for her. I kept asking her why me. But she was really into me. I couldn’t believe it. I took her for granted. I felt she could always find a fine model on the runway. But she was so really serious about me. She was in love with me. But it didn’t work out. I took her for granted and I was dating another person while I was dating her. I tried to keep a relationship in Abuja, another in Warri while she was in Lagos. Ah! It was a nightmare. I wouldn’t want to go through that again. I had three beautiful women at a time and I lost them all. They were all waiting. One of them knew about all the rest. She could have been the one. I hurt her so badly. She even left the country after we broke up. I felt bad. I went to the cinema to get my head together on a Saturday morning and that was where I met my wife. See how God works. Look at my kids. They are wonderful children.

How Inner-city Kid Farrah Gray Became A Millionaire By Age 14

At the age of 27, Farrah Gray has achieved more than most people achieve in a lifetime.

In celebration of Black History Month, this impressive story of achievement and trailblazing by young, bestselling author Farrah Gray is one that is sure to inspire readers of all ages.

Raised in the impoverished south side of Chicago, Dr. Farrah Gray defied the odds and became history's youngest self-made millionaire, beyond the field of entertainment, by age fourteen.

He was also the youngest person to have an office on Wall Street and the youngest to receive an honorary doctorate. Now he is an inspiration to millions and an international bestselling author.

Farrah Gray authored, Reallionaire, Get Real Get Rich, and The Truth Shall Make You Rich. The books have been translated into Russian, Korean, Indonesian and Vietnamese, with book sales in Africa, Australia, Europe, and Central and South America.

Farrah Gray has also been named as one of CNN's African-American First History Makers and as one of the 20 Modern Black History Makers in the 20th anniversary issue of Upscale magazine.
Chair of the Farrah Gray Foundation and spokesman for the National Coalition for Homeless, as well as the National Bone Marrow Donor Program, he has been invited to the White House eight times; first with Presidents Clinton and Bush and most recently with President Barack Obama.

Gray began his entrepreneurial, personal, and civic development as a stellar young citizen at the age of six, selling homemade body lotion and his own hand-painted rocks as bookends, door-to-door.

At seven, he was carrying business cards reading "21st Century CEO."

At eight, Farrah Gray became co-founder of Urban Neighborhood Enterprise Economic Club (U.N.E.E.C.) on Chicago's Southside. U.N.E.E.C. was the forerunner of New Early Entrepreneur Wonders (NE2W), the flagship organization he opened on Wall Street.

NE2W enlisted, educated, and engaged "at-risk" youth by creating and developing legal ways for them to acquire additional income.

Between the ages of twelve and sixteen, Farrah Gray founded and operated business ventures that included KIDZTEL pre-paid phone cards, the One Stop Mail Boxes & More franchise, and The Teenscope "Youth AM/FM" interactive teen talk show.

Gray was also Executive Producer of a comedy show on the Las Vegas Strip and owner of Farr-Out Foods, "Way-Out Food with a Twist" - aimed at young people with the company's first strawberry-vanilla syrup product. Farr-Out Foods generated orders exceeding $1.5 million.

As a pre-teen, Farrah Gray reached twelve million listeners and viewers every Saturday night as co-host of "Backstage Live," a syndicated television and radio simulcast in Las Vegas.

Gray's inspirational spirit and grounded personality sparked speaking requests from organizations around the country.

His sense of social responsibility motivated him to create the non-profit organization, the Farrah Gray Foundation.
Among other programs and initiatives, his foundation focuses on inner city, community-based entrepreneurship education and provides scholarship and grant assistance for students from at-risk backgrounds to attend HBCU's (Historically Black Colleges and Universities).

Gray donates his honorariums from speaking engagements (which can be upwards of $15,000) and the proceeds of his book to his foundation in what he refers to as his "self-imposed" youth tax.

The Farrah Gray Foundation is also in partnership with the Kauffman Foundation, launching entrepreneurship programs in inner-city schools across the country.

Gray is currently the CEO of Farrah Gray Publishing (FGP) which is distributed by HCI Books - publishers of the world famous New York Times, USA Today, and Guinness Book of World Records, as well as the best-selling Chicken Soup for the Soul series.

This series was translated into more than forty languages and sold more than 112 million copies, with total retail sales of Chicken Soup for the Soul branded merchandise topping $1.3 billion.

Monday 11 July 2016

Dakovahotspot: Portugal lifts the Euro cup for 2016

Dakovahotspot: Portugal lifts the Euro cup for 2016: Portugal has won Euro 2016 after stunning host-nation France 1-0 in the final. France went into the game as heavy favorites, but went down...

Dakovahotspot: ‘I’ll be a widower before I’m 30′: Man whose fianc...

Dakovahotspot: ‘I’ll be a widower before I’m 30′: Man whose fianc...: A man has revealed the heartache of knowing that he will soon be a widower after falling for a woman with a terminal brain tumour. When...

‘I’ll be a widower before I’m 30′: Man whose fiancee has terminal brain cancer reveals why he didn’t walk away after learning she was dying BEFORE their first date

A man has revealed the heartache of knowing that he will soon be a widower after falling for a woman with a terminal brain tumour.
When Andy Bell, 26, exchanges vows with his fiancé Anna Swabey at their wedding in September, promising to be with her until death do them part, he knows that day is likely to come within the next two years.

Andy, an electrical maintenance engineer from Newton Aycliffe, County Durham, proposed in December 2015 knowing that his marriage would be a tragically short one – but was determined to make Anna his wife if only for a few years.‘I’ll be a widower before I’m 30′: Man whose fiancee has terminal brain cancer reveals why he didn’t walk away after learning she was dying BEFORE their first date
What makes their love story even more touching is that Andy has known, since before their first date, that Anna was terminally ill.
He recalled: ‘We met via the dating app Tinder in February 2015, and after a week of messaging and texting one another, I suggested meeting up for a drink. 
‘I could see from her profile picture Anna was absolutely beautiful, and her messages had been so witty and funny, I couldn’t wait to meet her in the flesh.
‘It was then she dropped the bombshell that just a month before, she’d suffered a massive seizure and been diagnosed with a terminal brain tumour. 
‘I could see from her profile picture Anna was absolutely beautiful, and her messages had been so witty and funny, I couldn’t wait to meet her in the flesh.
 ‘She texted saying: “I’ve only got three years to live. I’ll understand if you don’t want to meet up.”‘
While some may have balked at the thought of dating a girl who was terminally ill, believing it would simply be too painful and difficult to have a relationship, Andy insisted he still wanted to meet Anna. 
‘I was so shocked when I read her message. Who expects to get a message like that from a 24-year-old girl? I couldn’t believe such a terrible thing had happened to someone so young.
‘But I immediately messaged back saying it didn’t change anything for me, I wanted to get to know her,’ he remembers.

Portugal lifts the Euro cup for 2016

Portugal has won Euro 2016 after stunning host-nation France 1-0 in the final. France went into the game as heavy favorites, but went down to an extra-time goal from Portugal striker Eder.
Portugal won it's first ever European Championship after overcoming hosts France in a thrilling 120 minutes at the Stade de France in Paris, with substitute Eder’s extra-time goal enough to snatch victory for Fernando Santos’ side in their second European Championship final.

Much of the pre-match build-up focused on Real Madrid superstar Cristiano Ronaldo with the Portuguese captain gearing up to take part in his second Euro final. The 31-year-old was part of the team that endured a shock 1-0 loss to Greece in the final of 2004 on home soil.

But it was to be a short-lived appearance for the three-time Ballon d'Or winner, with a stretcher and premature substitution needed just after the 20 minute mark after Ronaldo failed to recover from a heavy challenge from France midfielder Dimitri Payet, with the attacker leaving the pitch in floods of tears.

Ronaldo’s exit summed up a difficult opening period for Fernando Santos’ side who struggled to get started against the French, who in comparison were lively and full of invention.

Rui Patricio was at full stretch to keep out Antoine Greizmann in the first ten minutes with the top scorer at Euro 2016 testing the Portuguese keeper with a looping header.

Nani, Portugal’s captain in Ronaldo’s absence, had his side’s best chance of the half, blazing over when put through by a diagonal ball from the back.

The Portuguese have flattered to deceive throughout Euro 2016, despite reaching the final.

Three draws in the group stage saw them squeeze through to the first knockout round as one of the best third placed teams, with Croatia beaten in extra-time and Poland on penalties.

Their only win before the final came against the Welsh, who they beat 2-0 in Lyon in the semi-But they struggled to find a way through the resolute Portugal backline, however, and it was not until the final quarter of the match did the game really spring into life, with both sides almost snatching the game at the death.

Substitute Kingsley Coman first gave Arsenal man Olivier Giroud a sight of goal from the left, with his shot saved again by Rui Patricio, with star man Moussa Sissoko also denied by the fingertips of the Portugal keeper.

Ricardo Quaresma almost silenced Paris with a spectacular overhead kick after Hugo Lloris had palmed away Nani’s cross/shot and AndrĂ©-Pierre Gignac hit the inside of the post deep into injury time.
With extra-time came the threat of a decent into a war of attrition at the Stade de France, with both France and Portugal seemingly running out of ideas as fatigue took hold.

But extra-time brought even more drama, and the winning goal of Euro 2016.

First Raphael Guerreiro, who has been one of the stars of the tournament, struck the bar with Lloris well beaten before Eder, who plays for Lille in France, stunned the hosts with a long-range strike that arrowed into the bottom left corner.The goal was celebrated wildly by a good portion of the Stade de France and especially the Portuguese bench who flooded onto the pitch to jump on the former Swansea striker, with the French team and nation shell-shocked.

There was to be no dramatic equalizer for the hosts as Portugal saw out the match in relative comfort, clearly finally finding its rhythm after a dour opening period of the tournament.

Portugal has been the perennial nearly-team over the years, exiting at the semi-final stage three times, the quarters twice and the devastating 2004 final loss to Greece.

But its consistency at the European Championships has now finally been rewarded, with Portugal defying the odds and overcoming the French to win its first Euros at the second time of asking.

And even without its talismanic striker and captain Cristiano Ronaldo, who fell to his knees at the full time whistle, in tears once again as his side became, for the first time, European Champions.

Copied from REUTERS

Friday 8 July 2016

Dakovahotspot: Lionel Messi career looms as he handed jail term i...

Dakovahotspot: Lionel Messi career looms as he handed jail term i...: Argentina and Barcelona footballer Lionel Messi has been sentenced to 21 months in prison for tax fraud. His father, Jorge Messi, was als...

Lionel Messi career looms as he handed jail term in Spain for tax fraud

Argentina and Barcelona footballer Lionel Messi has been sentenced to 21 months in prison for tax fraud.
His father, Jorge Messi, was also given a jail term for defrauding Spain of €4.1m (£3.5m; $4.5m) between 2007 and 2009.
They also face millions of euros in fines for using tax havens in Belize and Uruguay to conceal earnings from image rights.
However, neither man is expected to serve time in jail.
Under the Spanish system, prison terms of under two years can be served under probation.
The footballer and his father were found guilty of three counts of tax fraud in Wednesday's ruling by the court in Barcelona.
As well as the jail terms, Messi was fined about €2m and his father €1.5m. They made a voluntary €5m "corrective payment", equal to the alleged unpaid tax plus interest, in August 2013.
The sentence can be appealed against via the Spanish supreme court.