Thursday 23 June 2016

Adalberto Cervantes Rodriguez Claimed they stole his Programme called ERP

@realDonaldTrum This illuminati technique is used in Mexico and USA @realDonaldTrum It is confirmed the stolen mexican oil by the illuminati using my technology ERP For not paying me billions of dollars for my technology ERP, the mexican government requested to Obama to kill me @realDonaldTrum are working in the stealing of US and Mexican taxes using Rothschild´s clearance banks located in Mexico, supported my CIA-Bush-Gortary army @realDonaldTrump I have two licences in industrial engineering with the thesis related Degree Licence 1584187, CONACYT Scholarship 52078, according with mexican laws it is considered a patent itself, so the name of my thesis are in there as a requirement. ORACLE and SAP made a fraud world wide, the ERP technology and business data base are of my property. It is part of my patent in my master´s degree @realDonaldTrum ME PAGAN ESTOS TIPOS DE FMC TECHNOLOGIES Y TECH MAHINDRA, $31,900.00 USD HACEN CONTRATOS LEONINOS PARA TRABAJAR EN MÉXICO Y NO CUMPLEN LAS LEYES LABORALES EN MÉXICO;ADEMÁS DE ENGAÑAR A LOS CLIENTES DICIENDO QUE TIENEN OFICINAS EN EL DF CUANDO ES SOLAMENTE VIRTUAL, ENGAÑÁNDOSE CREANDO UN TEMPLETE GLOBAL PARA EVADIR EL FISCO EN VARIOS PAÍSES. Además de cometer fraude laboral en México, posiblemente relacionados al tráfico de petroleo robado por parte de los illuminati, Bush, Gortari, Fox. Atras de todo esto esta Chevron, Nestlé, Praxis, Softtek @realDonaldTrump I have identity theft situation and people trying to block me in FB, LinkedIn and others, I am protecting my patent and it is totally legal internationally

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