Tuesday 14 June 2016

Confessions: I slept with my husband's friend while he was away on a funeral

Dear Dakova

I’ve been married to a wonderful man for four years. We’re both 33 and have been together 10 years. Now I’m worried I’ve destroyed our marriage.
My husband has this friend who’s a Jack the lad character and goes from woman to woman.
My husband has always worried about him trying it on with me. I’ve always said he has nothing to worry about and that I’d never do anything like that.
About two weeks ago my husband and I had an argument over something and nothing. We never argue. 
That night he had to go away for two days to attend a funeral. The same night I met up with some of my girlfriends in town.
I got really drunk and said to my friends that I was going home.
It was only about 11.30pm, so I waited for a late bus and my husband’s friend came past in a ta  xi and offered me a lift, which I accepted.                                                 
               The taxi stopped outside my house and we saw lights flicking on and off in my living room, so this friend came inside with me to check it out.
But it was just a light bulb flickering on and off. We went back outside, but the taxi had gone. He called for another but it was going to be 30 minutes, so I told him to come inside to wait.
I was still a bit upset about the argument with my hubby, so I got some wine out and we chatted for a bit on the sofa.
Well, one glass of wine turned in to three or four and when I was sat close to him I could see why women fall for him.
The next thing, he was kissing me and then we ended up having sex.I can’t believe I’ve done this to my husband. The one thing I said I would never do. I never thought I would cheat. I love my husband so much and I don’t know what to do.
I feel so guilty, but if I tell him he will leave me. I need your advice.              Dakova says
If you’re being honest, there was a part of you that was attracted to the fact that he fancied you - and your hubby spotted that.

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