Friday 23 December 2016

Libyan Afriqiyah Airways flight seized by hijackers and taken to Malta

Libyan Afriqiyah Airways flight seized by hijackers and taken to Malta 




Hijackers have allowed a group of passengers, including women and children, to walk off an Afriqiyah Airways flight in Malta.
The prime minister of Malta, Joseph Muscat, confirmed that 65 people have now been released from the aircraft.
Initial reports said two hijackers had hand grenades and threatened to blow up the aircraft with 111 passengers on board - it is not clear what the demands are.
The Libyan passenger aircraft, was on an internal flight from Sabha in southern Libya to Tripoli when it was diverted to Malta.
An airport security official said the pilot had told Tripoli airport that the plane was being hijacked before communications were lost.
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He said: "The pilot reported to the control tower in Tripoli that they were being hijacked, then they lost communication with him.

 The pilot tried very hard to have them land at the correct destination but they refused."
Passengers include 82 males, 28 females and an infant.
A Malta airline official said the plane had first headed towards Malta but turned back towards Tripoli before then flying to Malta.

Sky sources say the Maltese negotiating team are in contact with the hijackers who are believed to be two Libyan nationals.
The British Government has offered assistance to the Maltese authorities to deal with the hijack situation, say Sky sources.
Mr Muscat earlier tweeted that he had been informed of a "potential hijack situation" involving an internal Libyan flight diverted to Malta.

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