Thursday 7 April 2016

Her Vagina is Sweeter than Honey

The way I see it, many ladies do not spend time in understanding their own vagina. They only really acknowledge it when they want to pee, have sex, or when they see their ”red moon”. Other than that, it is just sort of tucked away.
Heck! some do not even want to talk about it. Just like a friend of mine who exclaimed and made to dash for the door when I had mentioned ‘vagina’ while trying to explain something to her. She was like ”ewww! why did you say that word?” Please don’t say it again” I was taken aback with this show of immaturity and naivety. I explained to her that there was really nothing wrong in that. In fact, we need to explore our vagina to properly understand it. She didn’t listen!
How well do you know your vagina? Can you locate your G-Spot, clit, labia etc? It is so easy to not know these things especially when you have been be conditioned from childhood that it is bad or naughty to talk about it. Your vagina is a magical place, and even when you think you have figured everything out, it will spring up more surprises that will leave you even more confused.
Many misconceptions and myths have been hitting us from here and there and many have no idea what to believe anymore, so its time to cut the crap and lay it down how it is. Here are 8 things I wish everyone knew about vagina.
1. Your Vagina is not going to smell like lilac or taste like honey
your vagina isn't going to smell like lilac and taste like honey
Forget about those Harlequin or Mills and Boons novels that describes how her vagina tastes like honey, Newsflash, that’s never going to happen! It isn’t going to smell heavenly either. Why? Because it has many sweat glands that come in contact with urine and vaginal discharge, so trust me when I say the vagina won’t smell great. But when it starts to smell fishy or something gnarly, then something is wrong and you should go see doctor.
2. Your vagina is smarter than you think
It is impossible to lose anything permanently in there. It knows what the hell it’s doing and definitely won’t let things like tampons, condoms, or small sex toys to get lost in there and disappear forever. It is a fixed space that doesn’t continue up, so anything that goes inside is always retrievable.
3. Your Vagina isn’t going to tell on you
Oh yeah! your vagina is as loyal as you can get. It won’t tell anyone that you have been a slutty Bola or Mary McSlut. It just won’t. You might have seen several images all over the internet of taut vagina with small labia folds depicting few or no sexual partners and flabby visible labia fold indicating the promiscuity of Mary McSlut. Well, that’s total BS. The vagina naturally becomes looser when women are sexually aroused in preparation for intercourse and reverts to its normal state after sex. Merely looking at someones vagina isn’t going to reveal shit about her sex life. So guys ofNairaland, let it rest please!
4. You might not have been born with a hymen
So Chibuzor is having sex with Ada and notices how his penis slides in with no hassle. He finishes up and can’t wait to tell his friends how Ada is claiming virgin when she is not. Can we let this BS die already? Yes, majority of women are born with a hymen with varying shapes and sizes. Some easily penetrable, others not so lucky. But not all women are born with a hymen. If you don’t have one, you might probably not even notice it because it has no meaningful impact on your sex life.
5. Squirting is basically peeing all over the place
Squirting is basically peeing
Several studies have concluded that squirting is basically just peeing. Squirting liquid is clear and not like pee we are accustom to. But, the fact that it doesn’t look and smell like pee doesn’t mean it does not contain urine, becausethere is. Squirters will refuse to believe this but science is pretty hard to refute.
6. Vaginas are powerful
A while back I saw a twitter post of a man who got stuck in another man’s wife and everyone kept saying it was ”magun” (a form of black magic used to punish adulterers in Yorubaland, Nigeria). It is not! Vaginas are so strong, they can clamp down on a penis with such intensity that makes it impossible for the penis to withdraw from the vagina. This is called Penis Captivus.
7. You probably won’t be able to orgasm through vaginal penetration alone
Truth be told, many women have never orgasm-ed in their entire life through vaginal penetration alone. And you wonder why women are very good at faking orgasms. It isn’t because your partner isn’t good enough, it just boils down to inadequate clitoral stimulation or lack thereof. There are 8,000 nerve endings in the clitoris, while the penis only has 4,000. So the clitoris is basically where the magic happens.
8. Your vagina isn’t weird at all
Your vagina is normal and not weird at all
Our vaginas do not look the same. They are unique as the owner. Some people can have full smooth labia, other might look like withered flowers. some might have full visible clits, others don’t. Your vagina is your vagina and you shouldn’t be bothered with the way it looks.

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